À Travers Bois

Object manipulation in it’s natural state

“Since a few decades, the art of juggling has encountered an important evolution thanks to the invention of new objects, new methods of research and notation and the massive sharing of ideas and techniques through the internet. A discussion has been developping between jugglers about the history of juggling and it’s definition evolution through time, a reflection of juggling as an art form and concept, and it’s borders and limits.

À TRAVERS BOIS wants to inmerse itself in this renewal of the definition of contemporary juggling, by taking as starting point the theoric definitions that is surrounded by, with the the ambition and conviction of being a piece that can inspire those definitions back.

The show aims to unobjectivise the wood used by the artists to search for material in each object with a defiend shape: clubs, balls, rings, cigar boxes… to link these disciplines between them.

- Quentin Bancel (Artistic Director)


Sensitive Juggling

À TRAVERS BOIS approaches also the matter of fragility of the world and it’s ecosystem, the fragility of what works, carries, assambles and separates.


Find more information in the site of the Company: https://www.compagnieisis.fr/spectacles/a-travers-bois/